Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Reading Aloud

--by spurginhussey, posted Jun 16, 2015
Yesterday I read for an hour to an elderly man who can't see very well. We do this together every fortnight and have read some really interesting and entertaining books.
1678 Reads

Readers Comments

melnotes wrote: Thats a lovely gift you have given, thank you xx
mel37865 wrote: That sounds like a kind and productive day!
mish wrote: I love to read aloud & have often thought about where one might volunteer to do so. Bless you.
mindyjourney wrote: Great idea! Was reading to husband every night, but kind of fell by wayside :)). Thank you for all of your kind acts, my friend.
terre wrote: It is important to be kind to yourself; I'm glad you're remembering that! I love reading aloud too. Thank you for reading to your elderly friend every fortnight; that's a treasure for sure.
samsrainbow wrote: My son often reads to me, its such a relaxing thing, and a great thing to share
RoseNylund wrote: I'm sure not just the entertaining books but your precious company mean so much to this gentleman xx

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