Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Blessings of a peace infused ((hug)), dear friend.
kjoyw wrote: I am so very sorry that you have lost such a dear friend. I know that each time a loved one (family or friend) makes the transition to the next life the experience is always a little bit different. We can experience the loss in different ways, each time, but it's still a loss. And that's just tough, no way around it. It does sound like he left you with many gifts, even beyond his friendship, that will stay with you for a very long time, if not for the rest of your life here. And it's been my experience that the connection always is with you and it's a treasure to still have that. All of the goodness he has left you was an act of great kindness, one that you will always hold in your heart. Blessings, kjoyw
kmays wrote: how fortunate to have friends who make you feel so deeply. May your memories of Matty fill your heart with love and connection.
dn3180 wrote: sm200 thxs for every thing girl I love every body on kindsprings you all very kind
melnotes wrote: Love and light xxx
seamar67 wrote: Peace be with you.