Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Be The Dew

--by aurelia, posted Apr 10, 2008


Someone was retelling a memory of her childhood on an Iowa Farm. She had fond memories of the dew of summer mornings. The coolness of the new dawn and the grass would be deliciously wet on her small bare feet. Her father once told her how his corn crop could be saved in a dry season if there was enough heavy dew each day. That moisture on the leaves could be absorbed by the plant and would help it to survive.

Isn't that like our own lives? Sometimes we are in a tough spot and all we have is a little DEW. Yet this bit of spiritual moisture or help from God is enough to see us through until times get better. Our simple kind act towards friends and strangers is that same dew for others. It's not the amount of money or how much time spent on others, they don't need a great rainfall...its the fact that we spent time, and shared ourselves with's our dew to them.

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Readers Comments

makesomeonesmile wrote: This is great Aurelia. I love your perspective and the stories you share. Thanks for being the dew for so many of us!
JuneBug wrote: Dew unto others...I like that!!! Or like the commercial says ''Do The Dew!' :}
wayfarer wrote: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I LOVE it! Truly inspirational. (Mind if I steal it?)
And Ha,Ha, Junebug. Very good!
liztree wrote: Beautiful Aurelia, beautiful!
liztree wrote: Ok - a funny. As i was closing out my last comment I remembered all the Mountain Dew commercials and their "DO the DEW" campaign. I have to say, I love your "BE the DEW" idea so much better!
lmil1954 wrote: Aurelia-I just read this and it is so in tune with the story I just posted...thank you so much!!!Linda:)
PayingForward wrote: This is so true. Thank you. Let's be the dew of blessing today! :)
nameera wrote: ah spreading smiles as always

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