Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Turning Frowns Upside Down

--by lillaura, posted Apr 17, 2008
I am a full time college student at Wilmington University in Delaware and as part of my work-study program, I tutor special education students at a nearby school.

Unfortunately, I hear stories every day of the often poor ways others treat these wonderful children. The gift I like most to bring to this work is an ability to make people laugh.

I feel good when I am able to answer a question about the study of English or science, but I feel best when I see genuine smiles on previously frustrated faces. I try to be kind to everyone and everything. Some day's it is an effort since I am only human.

One of the greatest things I have learned over the past few years has been how to embrace differences. Sharing smile cards with my students and their instructors really has been fun! Hugs for you all.
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Readers Comments

lorichelle wrote: I too work around children of all ages/developmental levels. I think laughter is wonderful for those who may not have it anywhere else! Great job with your efforts! Keep up the good work, I'm sure the kids love you way more than you could imagine!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for being the change in the world that I would want to see. Thanks for caring and making others smile. It matters so much!
alyssafree wrote: Laughter is the best medicine and I think to stay sane, we should just laugh somtimes! Thanks for sharing this and I think that's great!
JuneBug wrote: Children are wonderful! You have an opportunity to change their lives....:}
Alraisi wrote: That is somthing really doog you do it. I admire you really. You know Children are Angels and it is something more than good to make an Angel smiling. I love kids more than anything. It makes me Happy when I see them Smiling at me. That's Why I keep smiling all the time and make others Smile also. Keep It Up...!!!
ieiblue wrote: continue... it doesn't cost a thing but it sure worth is priceless... :P
lovebug wrote: Wonderful thing you are doing with your life. Teaching people how to smile. I also see you have learned to embrace differences, you sound like a person who has learned how to live in the 21st century

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