Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just ask! You might be surprised

--by dancingDog, posted Apr 19, 2008
A work group from the company where I work toured a United Way agency named Hope House that provides day care for kids diagnosed HIV-positive or who have parents who are HIV-positive. It was a place so full of love. One little boy greeted us with hugs and then told us that his Daddy was in heaven. As you can imagine, we were very touched.

The agency provides a place for the kids to learn, grow, feel safe and deal with the challenges of their lives. I asked the director what material goods the agency needed and she indicated paper towels and diapers.

As a result, we put out the word at our work place and the response was tremendous. We put a big box in the lobby and put up notices and figured we'd give it a week. Well, after one week the box was overflowing and there was enough on the ground to nearly fill another two. Some people gave 12-packs of paper towels and large pkgs of high quality diapers.

I am proud of the giving and the generous spirit of my fellow workers. Sometimes, you just have to ask. The response was more than we ever expected. Now I'm looking forward to Hope House receiving our gifts.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I think that is great that you not only volunteered but found other ways to help them out. Bless you for your kindness. Keep up the good work!
brighteyes wrote: Great job dancingDog....Several years ago we helped paint and clean up a home for an HIV couple...we promised to be discrete to ensure their safety in the neighborhood..they were so grateful for the assistance and we felt great helping them out.

But kids, have a soft spot for them ..glad you are having that diaper and paper towel drive!
JuneBug wrote: Wow! Your story is amazing! I think you had a great idea to get kids involved as well. Everybody benefited!!! :}
guddan wrote: really ,it is very gd deed,every one shd cm ahead for doing this type f work.:-)
irongrace wrote: This story touched my heart and i now want to find ways to help the children in my city.

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