Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Son's Big Heart

--by kiwicat, posted Jun 23, 2015
I'm having a tidy up in our home office. A thought popped into my head regarding my son, he was about 8 years old at the time. His school was having a food drive for 'the poor' and he wanted to take something to school the next day.
I was a full time student and struggling along to make ends meet at the time, the thought of a brighter future once I was qualified kept me motivated. Our pantry was all but bare apart from one or two cans and a jar of homemade jam.

My son made his request again, and in despair I said to him "For goodness sake Logan, we haven't got anything to give, WE ARE THE POOR!" He looked at me in astonishment, and said "no we aren't Mummy, we've got a house and we've got each other" humbling, and he proudly took the cans and the jam to school.
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Readers Comments

Mitalichawla wrote: so sweet... :) ♥♥ you're son is wise to understand different standards of poverty.... also he values you... you must be proud of him. :) keep smiling
Gyrocloudy wrote: Such kindness. :)
brindlegirl wrote: Children bearers of such truth ♥♥♥
sweetangellov wrote: ;-) how lovely ;-) your sweet son got such a golden heart ;-)
mindyjourney wrote: Your dear son knew what true wealth is, my friend :)). Thank you for sharing the memory with us.
melnotes wrote: Riches in many other ways :) Wonderful son xx
Chris wrote: You are doing a wonderful job with your son! You are blessed to have each other. May you be safe. May you be strong and healthy. May you be happy. May you live in peace.
hudlnit wrote: Its a great mind set of abundance to have for that small little boy of 8 years old, its a god given gift to him any way any one can cultivate that mind set of abundance by practice.

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