Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Seeds for sparrows

--by alisamom, posted Jun 26, 2015
I saw a bluebird and a sparrow looking for seeds outside of my bedroom window this morning, so I sprinkled some grains on the ground for them. I think we will have to make some bluebird nesting boxes for next spring! Random acts of kindness aren't only for humans :-)
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Readers Comments

melnotes wrote: Oh reminders of summer as we head into our winter,mentor the blessings xx
melnotes wrote: ooppps that should have been enjoy!
Mish wrote: How beauty-full! I love watching the brilliant red cardinal that comes every day in the late afternoon to eat in our yard x
mindyjourney wrote: Yay!!!! Bluebirds and blueberries :))). We have a bluebird house that brother in law built...and is occupied!
bountiful wrote:
So sweet the sound of birds and the nature. Hope more birds share the joy you have given them :)

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