Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Present For Grandparents Who Have Everything

--by teresa, posted Apr 25, 2008

My grandparents, Gene and Opal Howard, recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.  Our whole family was struggling with what to get them. They both had asked for only cards and no gifts -- they had everything already and just wanted to be with friends and family. Still everyone wanted to put money or get something for them. 

I couldn't give money but wanted to do something special for them to let them know how proud I am of having them as my grandparents. So, I went to my Aunt, who they live with, and asked her to please give me all the old pictures of them that she could find.  Then, with the help of my best friend, I put together a hand-made scrapbook for them, which was filled with lots of fond memories.

When I gave them their scrapbook at the open house, I told them I knew they didn't want gifts, but I hoped that they would accept just this one. As they looked through it, both of them cried and then shared the book with everyone who was at the event. Later that day, before they left, my grandma gave me a big hug and said "Thank you for our book. I didn't even remember some of these pictures!  If you and Marcie hadn't made us this book, the photos would still be in that old box and, more importantly, I wouldn't have been able to share with everyone here just why I love your grandfather today." It didn't cost us very much at all just our time, but she still shows her book off whenever anyone comes to visit and shares the stories behind the pictures.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: I'm a BIG fan of old family photos. Well done, you. A great idea! Hope you don't mind if I copy it sometime.
aliennore wrote: Brilliant! I think i could try this idea for my parents's next anniversary
bobbi wrote: Wonderful, wonderful idea. I love to look at old pictures. the memories that are tied to the pictures are so good. thanks for sharing. Bobbi
AURELIA wrote: Memories! Very nice. You warmed their hearts and their love just grew even more strong. My parents were married for 61 years and they were like to little love birds right up to the day my mom passed away. God Bless them and happy anniversary...they deserve to smile. :) ~Aurelia
lorichelle wrote: How sweet. I'm sure just the fact that you thought of it was enough to warm their hearts! Good job!
ZBee wrote: Great job! memories of loving times can't ever be beat.
bitesize wrote: Thats great, what a wonderful thing to do for your gradparents! =)
lovebug wrote: You have indeed felt God's full grace.
Milander wrote: Good story I did something similar for my wife a few years back.

I spent a good few hours racking my brain for all her favourite things, music, books, poems, photos, pictures, etc. It took a good few hours because us men are not the greatest at remembering what our wives like. Anyway, once I'd made a list (which I prayed was right) I went down the local hardware store and got a glass plated poster fame and made a collage of all her favourite things and fixed them in the frame. Dried flowers, photos of when we were dating, our kids pics, a few drawings the kids had made when very young, a verse or two of her fav poet, a page from her fav book, a love letter I'd written her, and other stuff.

Never before had I seen my wife cry when she got a gift. I guess the scrapbook the person above made had the same effect. The lesson is of course that gifts from the heart matter more than gifts from the shop. People need to remember that more.
Nandi wrote: Dear Teresa,

That was so thoughtful and sweet of u! You gave ur granparents a very precious gift, the gift of their memories put together with the dash of ur love.


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