Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Friendship I Treasure

--by teresa, posted Dec 24, 2008

My best friend, Marcie, is an amazing person who I treasure. From the first day we met we have been the best of friends. It all began when I was sitting alone at a new job and didn't know anyone -- it was lunch time and she asked if I wanted to have lunch with her.  That was in September of 1999.

Marcie is filled with kindness and somehow touches someone with it everyday. She is the first to help others and has never let me face anything alone from common childhood illnesses with my children, to emergency room visits, financial crises (and we have many!), helping me with my grandparents' scrapbook and helping me and my family through the recent death of my father, including helping me to find and pay for his urn to hold his ashes. She even helped with the lilttlest ones by getting them ready for his funeral and taking them out when they got too upset so that my husband and I could stay.

Marcie has taken our family to many different places and all this time she has never asked us to repay her, although we try when we can, and never has made us feel like she was giving us pity, only love. I told her to visit this site -- I knew she would like to read all the good stories of kindness because she gives it all the time.

Recently I celebrated my 37th birthday and, as usual, she made it special.  But this time, she really went that extra mile.  She gave me an ornament to hang on our tree this Christmas that says "Merry Christmas from heaven" with my Dad's name engraved on the back. She knew, without me even telling her, that the holildays are so hard for our family.  That gift was just what I needed to remind me that my Dad is still around us, just in another way, and the kids need to enjoy this Christmas as much as ever.  I hope that everyone has a friend like mine -- if you do, then you know that a friend like Marcie will always make you smile.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That's a very touching story, thanks for sharing. It is great that you have such a wonderful friend. It is also a good reminder to us all that we can BE that friend! Thanks!
ZBee wrote: What a tribute to your friendship! I hope Marcie gets a chance to read it too. She sounds like a very good friend with a really big heart.
lmil1954 wrote: You are so blessed to have such a friend. I'm glad you treasure her!
lorichelle wrote: What a friend! I agree that you are so blessed to have her in your life.
Allegria21 wrote: I'm going through a hard time right now and i don't have anyone to listen to me or help me with my problems.

Reading this i realized that there is still heartfealt kindness in the world and makes me want to do good for others as well. Thank you so much for posting this! It's a truly touching story.
megumi wrote: I am so glad i found this story again. I wanted to let you know that i took your friends idea about the christmas ornament and used it. My husband lost his mother about three years ago and always has a problem with depression during christmas time. Christmas was his mothers favorite time of year and he really misses her. Every year we open one gift on christmas eve. This year his was an angel ornament. On the front it said. Merry christmas from heaven. On the back it said. Remember i am always watching over you. Love mama. My husband became very emotional and i was a little upset that he cried so much. I even appologized for making him so upset. He looked at me and with tears in his eyes. Said "that was the most beautiful christmas gift i ever got. " thank you so much for the idea. May the god of all peace keep you always. Meg
katrol wrote: What a thoughtful and generous friend you have. God bless you both.
POM7 wrote: I wish your friendship lasted forever!
sheilak143 wrote: Your friend is a very special angel. Treasure her with your life.
helpinghand wrote: You are really lucky to have such a good friend. It is really very difficult to get such a good friend.

God bless both of you. Thanks for sharing.

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