Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ray of Sunshine for a Hardworking Mom

--by trinatooth, posted Apr 28, 2008

I have a friend who has a child with special needs, who requires 24 hour supervision.  Income is very low and she doesn't have her own vehicle for transportation.  Sadly, her only weekly outing is when her Mom takes her to the grocery store. I have wanted to take her out for a ladies lunch to get her out of the house, but it is really difficult to find a babysitter, who is trained to handle a child with special needs. 

Finally one day I thought we've just got to have our special ladies lunch one way or another.  I called my friend and told her not to eat lunch on that day.  I arranged for a caterer to deliver a gourmet lunch to her house.  When it arrived, seeing the smile on her face was worth more than winning the lottery.  Even though she didn't get out of the house, that day she experienced a little ray of sunshine to break the monotony of the long days she spent inside her home looking after her child. 

It also made me realize that I take for granted the fact that I can just get into my car and go where I want, whenever I want.  Watching her sacrifice the freedom we take for granted to give excellent care to her child has taught me to appreciate my own life in a new way.

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: I can't beat any of the comments that were posted to your story. But I can chime in and tell you. You are special.
laurina wrote: You helped in the way you could and that's wonderful!
wayfarer wrote: She'll remember that day forever and you got to appreciate what you have all the more. It's a win-win! Well done!
AURELIA wrote: What a sweet friend you are. Just keeping up with a healthy child is hard and I can't imagine how difficult it is for your friend. I'm sure her child is a special blessing to her though. I have girlfriend who has a 25 year old disabled son. He has never spoken, and yet she feels so much love from this son. I am happy you broke up her day in such a wonderful way. We all need to feel in contact with the outside world. God Bless you and your special friendship. ~Aurelia
megumi wrote: Thank you for your special gift of love. You will probably never know how much it ment to her. Keep the kindness flowing.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very nice of you. Thanks for not letting the challenges of the situation stop you from doing something nice. Thanks for caring and sharing!
JuneBug wrote: Oh. what a wonderful idea! You are the best! :}
retrogal wrote: Where there is a will -- there is a way, and you found it. Blessings to you and your friend.

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