Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Fruit And Smiles For The Homeless!

--by BigRedClown, posted May 1, 2008

I had an idea that I am going to restart, and maybe others will join me too! :)   It's obviously not the first ever of its kind, but it's a powerful one!

Every Tuesday and Saturday I go into Dublin to meet up with other members of the National Animal Rights Association to raise awareness, signatures for petitions.. or even protest. I love it!! I am passionate about it and find it not only meaningful and fulfilling but also enjoyable to meet other like-minded people.

On my way, I always pass by a fair number of homeless people. You know the sort that usually look withdrawn, both physically and from life, while throngs of people just pass by without hardly noticing or showing any compassion. They usually clutch a cheap paper cup of some sort, hoping for some change, often with their head hung to the ground.

I've given the homeless money before but never really felt entirely comfortable with that just in case it was spent on alcohol or drugs.  Starting last week (two times so far now) I decided to buy a big bunch of bananas or other fruit and simply ask the homeless person with a smile "Hi, would you like a banana"? :0) Each person I've asked has eagerly accepted so far.

I treat the homeless with dignity and equality, something they are probably not used to feeling very often. I want to reach out and show that people care, that people have compassion. I'm sure they could do with some human interaction also. And hopefully the fruit will not only curb some of their hunger but will give them a little bit of good nutrition too :)

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: You are giving them the fruit of your spirit. The Spirit is the nourishement of life
yogionthego wrote: Yey... I love it!! Bananas are a great idea!! You are very kind and sensitive!
AURELIA wrote: Welcome and Thank You for making a difference. This is a wonderful way to help and feel good. You are seeing with your own eyes the smile and thanks from who you are helping and they are seeing yours in turn. God BLess you and I look forward to reading more from you in the future. Smile, it's contagious. ~Aurelia
babes wrote: good idea....keep up the good works....
wayfarer wrote: Hi BigRedClown. I've been to Dublin and seen the folk you talk about. There's always the chance that helping them with money might be a negative thing, but helping them with food can only be good. Yayyy, you!
lmil1954 wrote: Bananas are filling too. Thank you for joining this beautiful community and welcome! Keep up the good works that you do.
JuneBug wrote: What a wonderful idea!...I hope we hear more from you even though I'm scared of clowns! :}
merv wrote: Thank You!!!
megumi wrote: Great idea. Wow this group really makes me feel on top of the world. With out a doubt we ARE making a difference...Keep up the good work people...and Welcome BigRedClown!
All4Him wrote: Welcome to the group! I'm with JuneBug on the clown thing! But this is a great idea. There are a lot of homeless people in our downtown area, maybe I will try this with them. Thanks for the idea and keep making a difference!

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