Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Santa Drives A Taxi!

--by brighteyes, posted Dec 12, 2008

One of my best buddies was in New York for Christmas last year. She had a ball shopping, eating out and mingling with the gossling crowds.

What stood out in her mind was on Christmas day, she was due at a friend's apartment and had hailed a taxi from the hotel lobby.  One promptly pulled over and without looking inside, she grabbed  the door handle to let herself in quickly as it was cold and blistery --she was used to the mild climate of California.  She hopped in the taxi and what greeted her was Santa! A gentleman outfitted in the authenic red costume, beard , glasses, huge smile and twinkling eyes.  "Where to miss"?, he asked.

She was too stunned to make any comments, just gave the address of her friend's place grinning ear to ear.  One she arrived at her destination, she hopped out and handed Santa the fare.....he declined, "Merry Christmas Miss", he stated, " The drive is no charge!"

"Oh, gosh... thanks Santa", she stammered  happily surprised by this generosity, and "Merry Christmas to you too!"

She says she'll never forget that Christmas or that Santa drives a taxi!

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Readers Comments

hotcocoa wrote: Aww thats so sweet!
LOAS wrote: That is the cutest story! Love it. Thanks for sharing! :)
lmil1954 wrote: Talk about laugh out loud! That one, my friend, made me do just that. Thank you so-ho-ho much and a Meeerrry Christmas!
JuneBug wrote: What a fun story! I'm not so sure if I could stamper a ''Thank you''!
megumi wrote: Love, love, love this story and in NY no less.

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