Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Repaying a Stranger's Generosity

--by megumi, posted May 7, 2008

This story was brought to my mind after reading some of yours :)  It happened several years ago but I have never forgotten it. 

My husband and I were going through some bad times financially.  We had both lost our jobs and were trying to catch up on bills by cutting grass for extra money on the weekends.  We got up one Saturday morning and loaded up the little flat bed trailer that we carried our lawnmower on and headed out.  

About 15 miles from the house the trailer started swerving and we realized that it had a flat tire.  Luckily, we were close to a little store and pulled into the parking lot.   The tire was in shreds, so my husband took the truck back to the house to see if he could find another tire for the trailer.  I stayed with the trailer at the store.  

I had been sitting there for about 45 minutes when I saw an old truck pull up on the other side of the store.  Then my husband pulled in and started trying to get the flat tire off of the trailer.  We had bought the tire after it had been sitting in a field for about 3 years, so needless to say, the tire was not coming off very easily.   I was about in tears and my husband was frustrated and hurt (he cut his hand trying to get the tire off.). 

Then the man with the old truck pulled up next to us.  He jumped out and asked if we needed any help.  My husband looked up and a big smile came across his face.  He said "I don't suppose you have an air chuck to go with that compressor on the back of your truck?"  The man smiled back and said "I sure do."  They had the tire off in just a couple of minutes.  But the tire that my husband had brought back with him would not go on.  The kind man who was helping us went to his house and found a tire which fit and put it on our trailer. 

My  husband tried to pay him for the tire but he said that his wife would be glad there was one less tire in the shed and would not take our money.  I told him that I felt like he was an angel that day.  He smiled and said "You know I never come home this way.  Something just made me come this way today." 

My husband now works for a company and drives a repair van.   He calls me every now and then to tell me he is going to be late.  He is on the side of the road somewhere helping someone get their car or truck running.   When people try to pay him he always tells them that someone helped him once and this is his way of repaying that man.

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Readers Comments

BedBug wrote: Perfect. Lesson learned, kindness payed forward.
akbj wrote: You & your husband are truly paying it foward in the most incredible way. Wonderful story, thank you.
Norman wrote: Thanks for sharing and opening up my mind to better ways of being kind. Its just amazing how one little action can open doors to great friendship and pure and compassionate hearts. God bless.
Vinnie wrote: This was a really good story, as well as inspiring. You and your husband are good people for repaying that man by paying it foward, keep up the good work. People do appreciate that, I'm sure of it.

Love Vinnie
Ugo wrote: If we all get to the knowledge that we are the answer to anothers problem, we would be very willing to help out those in need. A wonderful story.
smilingsusan wrote: Thanks for sharing this inspiring story.
Ashley wrote: I think that this is so cool and that God was with you the whole time and I'm just really glad to hear that you got out of that horrible situation.
lovebug wrote: I believe, we are all disguised angels. We are all created in God's image, what ever part that might be.
YorkieMomX4 wrote: I don't believe in coincidinces, so this must have been an angel sent to help you during your time of need.
Archedy wrote: Wonderful experienced that you never forget because your guardian angel never leaves you.

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