Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Long Life of a Short Friendship

--by JackieHall, posted May 10, 2008

My son's day care provider experienced a tragic sudden death of a friend. She had just met this fellow and had sensed a deep connection before dropping him off at his car. He had a car accident that night, and was killed.

Deeply moved by the sadness that my friend was experiencing, I was compelled to write her some comforting words about being able to see the positives of how her friend had influenced her life and suggested that he possibly came to her as an angel of change for her life.

This trajedy, impacted her deeply and encouraged her to reevaluate her life, as tragedy often does. I encouraged her to look past the normal conditionings that would have us concentrate on the drama of a trajedy and suggested she instead reflect on the positive message this friend's life gave her and the people around her. This approach would bring honour to this friend's life, and pay it forward by using his inspiration to influence someone else's life in a positive way.

I was honoured that she was touched by this letter, and said that she would be framing it and giving it to a friend to read, as she would also find it beneficial. It's funny that I have recently become a writer of self-help material, having experienced some of the darker sides of life myself.

Since becoming of service to others in this way, I have moments where I am physically and emotionally compelled to just start writing about something. My writing ends up often being a message to help someone. It is almost as if something takes over and writes these inspiring messages for me. Sometimes, I have to look up words I have written in the dictionary to make sure my usage is correct. It is a spiritual and enlightening experience to be truly in service to others. Take care everyone. Jackie

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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: Hi Jackie, keep writing, as your words are an inspiration to many! You are blessed with a gift...that keeps giving.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is awesome Jackie. Thanks for making a difference in the world. Any time we can learn or find a positive from tragedy, that is terrific. Thanks for helping others do the same!
sweetp wrote: Hi Jackie, I'm glad I read your note. I just heard that a girl I went to school with passed in the same way a few days ago, as well as one of her friends. I did not know her personally, but I was affected deeply by what happened. I realized I needed to look at the situation with bravery, but was having a hard time getting past the sorrow of a young life taken away. I hadn't thought about it in your terms, of the angel being an inspiration. I will try hard to reflect on that, and be more intentional with the life I have been given to live. Thank you.
JuneBug wrote: Jackie, I don't know if you believe in God, but if you don't WAKE UP! HE is trying to tell you something! :}
brighteyes wrote: listened with your heart and responded with that condolence letter and words of inspiration which seems to be what your son's daycare lady cool!

One of our janitor's lost her father over the Thanksgiving holidays and like you I felt compelled to comfort her...I chose to speak to her and give her a few hugs....she was tearful and we spoke about her Dad and I shared how I had lost mine 3 yrs ago that same week and hope I the end of the conversation, she was smiling thru her tears and I was glad I listened to that see to many co-workers she is invisible....I do not feel that way ...I honor each person and their job and always say, "Hi".

I agree with the others looks like you have a gift for writing, comforting and inspiring SO PLEASE USE IT....LIKE A MUSCLE, IT NEEDS TO BE EXERCISED TO STAY STRONG....GOOD LUCK.
sanserif wrote: Offering comfort to someone in grief is the most difficult part...but i gues it makes them feel slightly better...Thanks for being there for your friend..You are doing a great job. I really like all your stories...Do keep writing!
greeneyes wrote: Keep yourself open and the spirit will contiue to flow thru you to inspire and encourage others. I understand everything you have said as I too use to write many things for people. I have gotten away from it recently but know that I too love to help others in this way. Keep up the great work.

Hugs, Greeneyes
asianvia wrote: It feels good when we help others to ease thier burden like what your son's day care provider feels..i wish one day i can!!
YorkieMomX4 wrote: Sometimes we get help from above that helps us deliver the message we would like to convey, but are at a loss for the "proper" words
lovebug wrote: I hope you continue to write, it is your gift. You made it so clear, we all loose loved one's and need a way of coping with lose. Many will be helped by reading your story, so keep on sharing and using your gift.

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