I don`t know whether I'm brave or stupid, but I always catch myself in spontaneous wild tales and last night didn`t skip a beat.
On Wednesday, I was out watching a great movie which finished at 1am. I wandered home by foot because I took a taxi to the theatre and buses don't ruin nightly in this part of the world. I live in a secure neighbourhood but there's a long dark dark dark desolate cobbled road going towards the neighbourhood. As I was toodling through, I noticed something in the bushes ahead of me. I instinctly grabbed my pen (weapon..haha how ironic!) BAM! I got tossled over by a tipsy ole` feller who had one-too-many to drink and was asking for my money and clothes. I started to laugh as he had my foot pinned to the dirty bumpy gravelled road.
He got up and was yelling a bunch of stuff, which I'm pretty sure I am glad I didn't understand. I gave him a lollipop, some bubbles, my last bit of money (5 Canadian dollars) and a smile like you wouldn't believe! I don't know why, but for some reason I don't get scared, even with guns in close contact with my body. But let me tell you I do get a little weirded out afterwards!
Suddenly I remembered how earlier on in the day I was walking out of my driveway and the security gent, who absolutely adores me, asked as usual, "Lil Blondie Lil Blondie where you going today¨(in his lanauge)?" I told him I was heading to the local store and asked if he`d like anything. He said Coke and gave me change. I wandered back with his Coke and a few other things, handed back his change and wandered off -- he was shocked!
I jumped up and the drunk gent tried to pumble me again. I started to laugh and as he tripped and almost fell, I grabbed his shoulder and told him to follow me. He was a bit hesitant but I'm persistent. I wandered over to the gate when my little friend, the security guard, yelled, "WATCH OUT THAT MAN IS A DRUNk!!" I laughed again and said, "Yes, this is my friend." I asked his name and repeated, "CARLOS!" "And I am Angela and would like to borrow some of your coke and perhaps a cookie that I brought you earlier from the store (in my broken language skills)."
A few cookies and a cup full of coke later the gentleman was happy. I asked him where he lived and my security guard kept telling me, "No no, just come into the gate." The gent said he lived a few blocks away but his wife wouldn't let him in the house. It was a bit chilly that night and I had a blanket which was donated to me by a friend when I decided to live here for a few months. Since I was moving soon, I figured what a great opportunity to pay-it-forward. So, I ran into my house and grabbed the blanket and a few other things I wanted to offer to the man waiting outside. I ran back out and walked him home.
When I arrived back at my guard gate it was 3:30am and my lil friend shook his head and said a bunch of things. He was saying you have to take care and I said, "Yes yes my friends tell me this all the time and I do take care...of myself AND others!" As he continued to warn me I showed him my "pipes" (flexed arms) and said, "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind, some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I`ve got big pipes, I´m all ready you see. Now my toubles are going to have troubles with me!" (In his langauge..but very broken)(adapted by Dr. Suess) I have never seen such a lil man do such a great big belly laugh.
Take care and keep the Rafiki orbiting!
(rafiki - kiswahili for friend)