Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Circle of Giving

--by ranaverde, posted May 15, 2008

By nature, I tend to be the l organizer in my group of friends -- coordinating parties, camping trips, etc.  A few months ago a fellow volunteer coordinator mentioned to me that they were short of meal cooks/servers for the women's shelter.  I told her I'd see what I could do.

I sent out an email to 20-30 friends from different segments of my life, inviting them to be part of the group that would make and serve dinner to a group of 30 women staying in an overnight shelter.  Almost all of my friends responded with an interest in helping to serve. 

When the time came I had 8 volunteers that baked desserts and helped prepare a meal.  They enjoyed the experience so much that they have now adopted the project as their own!  Even I now contribute solely as a volunteer not as the main organizer. 

One friend created a listserve so people could respond quickly and easily.  Each month someone different volunteers to organize and coordinate the meal with the shelter.  And each month there are new faces that have joined the group.  One woman even pulled together another group of her friends to serve. 

Its hard to imagine that all of this started with a simple email asking friends to help for an evening.  As a result of that initial email, two meals are now being served at the shelter each month.

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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: Thats a wonderful thing ranaverde! You did start something so worthwhile. You got my smiles!
JuneBug wrote: Wow! It's amazing how things work out, huh? Graet job !!!! Merry CHRISTmas!
brighteyes wrote: Looks like you have a gift for initiation and great....keep sharing the talent by helping others.....

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