Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping a Friend in Need

--by tracey, posted May 13, 2008

I have a friend who owns a coffee shop.  She has until Dec. 31 to pay some kind of tax to our city totalling $1,400 dollars. 

I felt so bad for her.  Owning her own coffee shop has always been Kim's dream.  In fact I still vividly remember the day she opened up her shop 3 years ago.  Nobody could have wiped the smile off her face!

I am an artist and have a card rack in her shop.  I told her to put a large sign on top of the rack saying, "Buy cards, all proceeds go to help Barefoot Annie's Coffee Shop."

Helping someone is the best feeling!

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Readers Comments

eshwar wrote: Very superbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
nickname wrote: Dear Tracey,

I wish you the very best in 2008 - health, happiness, prosperity, whatever you wish for.


nickname wrote: Hi Tracey,

Please let us know how this turns out. I would like to send your friend a few $$$ to help with the tax bill. Maybe others would like to help too.

Let us know.

tracey wrote: Dear Nckname - thank you so much for helping Kim out. She will be SOOOO happy!!

May 2008 bring you happiness and compassion!!

nickname wrote: Hi Tracey,

I mailed a few $$ to your friend Kim today.


nickname wrote: Hi Tracey,

Thanks. And Merry Christmas.

tracey wrote: hello - If anyone would like to help my Friend is her address and website.

below is a short updae from Kim...


How on earth did you discover this site? I’m stunned!!! Thank you so much! I still have about $500 to go to be able to breathe free again.

Do you feel like it’s safe to post an address? I assume it is, but I’ll go with your judgment on this.

Thank you, again!

Kim Carter

Barefoot Annie's Coffee Shop

117 SE Main St.

Simpsonville, SC 29681


Thank you all again and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

tracey wrote: I will contact Kim after Christmas and see how her financial situation is going. I'm praying everything will work out.
As far as wanting to help...gosh I am stund and filled with tears. Thank you. I think you (nickname) have a huge heart. This is an act of compassion and is certainly an act of kindness. Can you imagine if everyone was like you? Your gift of paying it forward should surely be praised. This act of kindness is rare and hard to come by. Thank very much from one huge heart to another!

Merry Christmas!


God Bless!

Nellybelly wrote: That's a great idea! I hope everything turns out ok for her and she gets to keep her shop. You're truly a good friend for helping her out. Merry Christmas to both of you and good luck!
tracey wrote: thank you and you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!

Peace to you and your family.

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