Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gifting Yoga

--by yogionthego, posted May 18, 2008

Ok... so I'm suddenly addicted to this site - yippee, no more facebook!!  :)  I've been reading the smile stories one by one, mixing it up and going into some older stories.  I'm just having a blast on this very cold afternoon!!  Also, I am warmed by all the karmabuck giving, it's fabulous!! 

My mind is going a mile a minute with the same question that everyone keeps asking themselves, "What else can I do?" When suddenly, it hit me - YOGA!!  I am a yoga teacher, so why not gift my yoga classes?  And not just to anyone - people who need some extra love.  So, I immediately called a local woman's shelter and talked to someone about it and I think it's going to happen this year!!  Yippeeeeeee....

Thank you to all of the people in my smile group for motivating me to share my love with other people.  For years I have wanted to do something with women's shelters - THIS IS FABULOUS!!

Hugs and peace to all!!

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: You rock, Yogionthego! It's a wonderful world out there! Join in and enjoy the ride!
JuneBug wrote: I am so happy that you are going to help the ladies in the shelter! I was in a shelter once but I don't remember having anything like that! Women NEED to know yoga and meditation in order to deal with the world's problems. Thank you for giving your gift to the world!!!
yogionthego wrote: Thank you - thank you!! Your support is amazing! Not many people understand... I'll keep you all informed!
wayfarer wrote: Hey, we understand a Good Heart when we come across one!
lmil1954 wrote: Yippie, yogi! That is FABULOUS for sure! Have fun.
Caratyzna wrote: That is such a great plan! Yoga would be a great way to help them deal with the stress of their situation. I hope this happens for you (and them). And please do keep us all informed, that experience should give you plenty of stories to share here!
brighteyes wrote: Love your plan to gift Mom has been practicing for over 30 yrs...I am on again off again....they offer classes thru work at a cost but definitely worth great you are volunteering your services and Yoga to share with others free of charge!

Great gift that may change someone life from now on...its a "gift that keeps giving!"
lOVEBUG wrote: Yoga is indeed a gift and you must be a very disciplined person the master it well enough to teach. Teachers are indeed Gods gift to humanity. If I were disciplined I would join your class.
lhatton wrote: That is a great idea!!! I feel so great after a yoga class. That is a wonderful thing for you go give to others.
clemsongirl000 wrote: That is great that you are willing to share your talent with those in need.

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