Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying Forward a Pre-Paid Parking Space

--by sweetp, posted May 25, 2008
A few days ago, I pulled into a pay-by-hour parking lot to run a few errands. I stood in line to pay for my parking space and was intercepted by a woman returning from her errands. "Excuse me," she said, "but if you would like to use my spot, I am leaving now." At first, I hesitated. I knew that I only needed the spot for 20 minutes, and she had paid for 2 hours. Finally, I accepted her offer to use the remaining time on her space.

My errand took a while longer than planned, so I ended up being grateful that I had some extra time on my parking space. However, I still had an hour left on the parking time. So, I waited in the garage for the next patron to enter. I drove up to the woman and offered her the remaining time on the ticket.  It felt good to pass the kindness along.
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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Yeah, isn't it wonderful???!!!
lOVEBUG wrote: I think it was great you took your time to wait and share your blessing. Time is so precious to us busy people. Have a blessed christmas
lmil1954 wrote: That IS wonderful sweetp. Bless your heart and have a very mery christmas!
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you for passing it on again!
alenamore wrote: this is great, and i agree, good for you that you passed it on!
paganmum wrote: What a great idea! I like passing on my grocery cart.. You know the ones you need a quarter for? Theres days I forget to bring change, and I always feel touched when someone passes their cart to me without expecting their quarter back... So now I do the same! :)
JuneBug wrote: I found your act of kindness to be very thoughtful! Most people are in a hurry and wouldn't have taken the time...Good for you!!

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