Readers Comments
perseverance wrote: superb Hats off for this
sanserif wrote: Hey JZ, each one is a gem! Now here is my addition....Nurse a sick plant. Very therapeutic!
Phoebe wrote: Think Gratefully. Be grateful for everything you have, rather than complain about everything you don't.
JMart wrote: Give THANKS for everything you have, because nobody gives THANKS enough. Once started, you'll see what a long list it is and how blessed you really are.
cam3 wrote: SMILE..SMILE..and SMILE some more!!
jaya wrote: Nice one! God Bless YOu
Joshua Otene wrote: ATITTUDE.develop the atittude of gratitude will also help us to experience an inner joy and serves as a ground for us to receives more from the giver. have faith in God and cast yr fear upon him will help us to stand the test of yr mind with positive thinking and defends yr heart against negative thinking will also help to live a healthy life.
Aurelia wrote: These are great. Thanks for the encouraging ways. :0) ~Aurelia
elissa davis wrote: recognize the beauty of those around you.