Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My 96-year-old Neighbor's Cookies

--by cabbage, posted May 23, 2008

This afternoon my son was out playing with friends down the street and I had a bit of free time so I decided to pay a visit to our 96-year old neighbor.  I took her some slices of cake that I had baked and dropped in for a chat.  Well, guess what-- when I went over there I found her baking oatmeal-raisin cookies! 

My neighbor is an amazing woman.  She grew up on a ranch in Montana, raised 4 kids, was a practicing nurse until 5 years ago, and gets around her house with just the help of a sitting walker because her knees aren't so good anymore. She is always positive, tells me that she "loves everyone and prays for everyone every day" because that's how she was raised. I just love her!  I love visiting her and giving her hugs---her positive spirit just radiates from her. 

She insisted on giving me a plate of cookies to take home and I told her I was going to give it to all the kids who were playing outside since it's such a beautiful day. Unfortunately, she doesn't go outside anymore because of her knees. 

Well, when I got to where the kids were playing they were so excited to see the cookies that they gobbled them up right away.  There were two left on the plate when I was walking back home and I saw another elderly neighbor sitting out in his driveway with his little dog.  I went over to him and gave him the last two cookies--and told him who made them! 

It felt so good to be able to distribute M's cookies around the neighborhood since she can't get out to do it herself! 
Totally random and cool. Lots of surprised and smiling faces. :-)

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Readers Comments

Patt wrote: Awesome that you got to spend time with this wonderful lady and then spread her gifts around the neighborhood. What a special treat in more ways than one.
Kirsten wrote: "That was soo nice!"
mailman451 wrote: A nice story, but I have to be a naysayer here and disagree with Wayfarer because I don't see the randomness in this, that should't distract from the circle of niceness but would you put a smile card any where in that story? NO! It is just that a nice story.
BB wrote: How nice of you to visit your neighbor too. That is a wonderful happy story. It's the little things in life. Reminded me of my Grandmother who is the exact same age and going strong.
cinnamonhead wrote: that is great that you shared the wealth, i probably would have thought of doing that after i ate all the cookies!!
bhappy wrote: Cabbage, 2 yummy acts of kindness!!! And what a wonderful treat for the kids...That is Cool...God Bless You, Becki
JuneBug wrote: Awwww! What a treat for your neighbor, you, and EVERYONE else who ate the cookies! Please continue to see this lady and llet her know how far her efforts went!!! :}
wayfarer wrote: Totally randon - and totally wonderful! Ain't life grand?
butterfly wrote: wow!how cool that you have a lovely positive neighour who is a joy to be around. those people are precious, angels. you are very blessed. you seem so kind and loving, thank you for your kindness.
AURELIA wrote: That is really something. Maybe you can coax the boys to play in front of her house so she can hear and see the 'next generation' having a grand time outside. I know that even I enjoy sitting at watching the youngsters run and play across the street from me. It brings back so many wonderful memories. Remember tag, chickenfights, hopscotch, jump rope, leap frog and the such. THose were the good old days. ~HUGS from Aurelia :0)

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