Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Prayers on my door

--by alisamom, posted Jul 23, 2015
Yesterday as I was cooking dinner the doorbell rang and an envelope was delivered. My first thought was "oh crap, did I forget I ordered something? " because I have not a lot of money in my account right now. Then I opened the package and it
Was a set of prayer flags from a wonderful kind spring Angel. I wanted to hug her right there and then but since she wasn't there I just hugged my husband.

Today I hung them up near the fire pit at the bottom of our meadow so I can see them from the kitchen and the dining room.
While today is not an "inauspicious date" I'm sure it's still good for me to hang them cause I just started a new venture this morning so it will still be a memorable day :)

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Readers Comments

Gyrocloudy wrote: :D Happiness!!!
pluto178 wrote: Lol I bet he was thrilled...............x
mindyjourney wrote: Rainbow flags of compassion and kindness :))). So lovely a connection and perfect spot for them! Blessings, my friend.
mish wrote: Hugs always good!! :)))
debbe530 wrote: What a lovely surprise.
kjoyw wrote: I'm sure somehow your hugs reached this person. And kindness shows up in the most delightfully unexpected ways.

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