Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Waking Up To Flowers by My Side

--by Modida, posted May 26, 2008
After a long day at a convention in San Francisco, I arrived in the hotel lobby too late to meet my party for dinner. I sat down on a very comfortable couch feeling a bit sorry for myself, and somehow I dozed off with my head on the arm of the sofa.

I awoke some time later feeling groggy and disoriented, and a little embarrassed at having fallen asleep in public. As I looked around me, rubbing my eyes, wondering whether anyone had noticed, I saw that someone had left a bouquet of flowers on the arm of the sofa, right next to where I'd fallen asleep.

I looked around again, but no one in the busy hotel lobby paid me any mind. It felt surreal, like a dream, and I tried to imagine who might have done such a thing, what led them to it, what thoughts surrounded the act.

I still have no answers to any of those questions, and I'm glad. It's a delicious mystery.

Many people have been kind to me in my life, and I am grateful to all of them. Somehow, though, this random, anonymous act sticks with me and still moves me. Such a small gesture, yet so sweet and kind, and asking nothing in return, not even credit for the act. I hope that whoever did it gets as much joy out of remembering leaving those flowers as I get remembering waking up to them.
1776 Reads

Readers Comments

makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great, thanks for sharing your story!
sathsath wrote: great way to begin a new year,i envy u
JuneBug wrote: How cool is that? Whata wonderful thing to wake up to! :}
nickname wrote: Giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return is the most pleasurable form of giving, for me anyway. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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