Stories of Kindness from Around the World

30 Acts In 30 Days for My 30th Birthday

--by JackieHall, posted May 30, 2008

As some of you know, my 30th birthday party is coming up and I have themed it a 'Random Acts of Kindness' party where we will be doing various things to bestow kindness upon others.

My best friend, who cannot attend because she lives in South Africa (I'm in Australia) has chosen to participate in the event anyway.  She has given me the best present possible!  I felt so good when I received her email.  Not just because of the beautiful comments she made, but also to see that my random acts of kindness idea has even reached the other side of the world and will make a difference to people so far away. It's absolutely inspirational.

Here is her beautiful email that I would love to share with you:

To my dear friend, Jackie,

Since we met in July 2003, you have been a wonderful inspiration to me and a great friend.  You are a special person and I love your unique way of looking at the world.  It inspires me and stretches me to look at the world in a new way too.  I love your optimism and outlook on life, and I love your idea for the Random Acts of Kindness to celebrate your birthday. At a time when most people would be looking at themselves, I love that you have chosen to turn your attention to spreading kindness to others.

So, my commitment to you, to celebrate your 30th birthday, is that I will do 30 acts of kindness in 30 days in your honour.  I started today, and will email them to you as I do them (although you'll have to wait for any from Botswana until I get back on the 11th)

They say it takes 30 days to make or break a habit, so I hope that by doing this deliberately for 30 days, it will become a habit to think more of others and less of myself, and to find little innovative ways to make someone's day.

So ... here goes!  On Day 1 and 2, I did the following:

1. Went in to work on one of my days off for an extra half day at Cheetah Outreach to give them a hand as this time of year is very busy

2. Got up at 5am and baked home-made cookies and took them to work as a moral booster (very well received by all!)

Love to you dear friend, more to come tomorrow...

I am so fortunate to have the most precious friend in the world.   I can't wait to see what else she does!

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Readers Comments

makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great Jackie, thanks for sharing! What a wonderful friend you have!
JuneBug wrote: Jackie, you are so selfless and it has has spread around the world! Yes, keep us posted on the party! HAPPY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :}
AURELIA wrote: Great News! She sounds like a terrific friend. Keep us posted with her wonderfult deeds and we can be inspired also. HAPPY Birthday from the USA all the way to AUSTRALIA! ~Aurelia
bitesize wrote: Happy Birthday! It is so insipring to read!
paganmum wrote: That's so amazing! Happy birthday!! You have a wonderful friend over there, and are making such a difference! :):)
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks Jackie. Happy Birthday from sunny PA:) Love Ya! LindaM

Got to give you credit, would not have thought of a RAOK BDAy for my 30th (though would have enjoyed it) but as I age and grow, I hope I too have many BDAY celebrated with RAOKs....they are so much more rwarding that a material gift....

Your friend is a gem and I am so glad you have her in your life....she sounds like a lovely, kind, warm soul.

As others said, keep us posted on her darn cool...30 in 30 days for YOU!! ;)

4 smile story for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
akbj wrote: That is an incredible friend you have, & since you inspired her you must be incredible also. What a great idea, looking foward to reading more. Bless you as you turn 30.
JoAnne wrote: what a great way to spend your birthday.
you are an inspiration. I am coming up on 51 in another month. i hope you don't mind if i steal your idea and do 51 random acts of kindness.
lovebug wrote: I can't even remember my 30th birthday. I can't say I have been good, but I have always been kind, I do thank God for that. Thanks for spreading that idea.

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