Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Joy in the Workplace

--by paganmum, posted May 26, 2008
I send an email to all my co-workers every day titled, "A Story to Brighten Your Day."
Every morning, I choose one of the many stories I find on this web site and copy and paste it into an email. I then send the email to all my co-workers in the small company where I work. I always write a note, wishing every one a happy day, and ask them to let the story inspire them to do something kind for someone.
The first time I sent out the email, I was sure I'd be asked not to send anymore, thinking it might be a nuisance or distraction to some. But no! Everyone loved the story, and asked me to send another. So I did. To this day I've sent out over a hundred stories. And I never seem to have difficulty finding one that touches my heart. Thank you all for posting such wonderful stories about the recent acts of kindness you've either done, seen, or received. They inspire me to do more. And my co-workers say thank you as well.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you for finding ways to make a difference. It all matters! Thanks for sharing!
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks paganmum! Thats a great idea to share with co-workers. Im sure they love you and you are blessed! LindaM
paganmum wrote: Thanks guys! :)
JuneBug wrote: Thanks for sharing the stories with others! You are like Johnny Appleseed scattering seeds along the way. Hopefully the stories will bear fruit as well! Have a WONDERFUL day,Makesomeonesmile!
JuneBug wrote: Oops! I got you mixed up with Makesomeonesmile! My blonde roots must be working overtime! Thank you, paganmum!!!!!
paganmum wrote: LOL! Np JuneBug! :):)
brighteyes wrote: WOW! You are the internet master...that is a huge distribution....and great that you are sharing stories and kindnesses....the more you circulate, the more will be insprired and the more kindnesses done!

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