Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Buddha Doodle Rug for Two

--by brindlegirl, posted Jul 29, 2015
I love how much this place has changed me. As many may know I love Molly and her Buddha doodles and have wanted to purchase a throw rug for sometime.
However the shipping is more than the rug to get it to me in Australia.

So I've asked my sister in law who is currently in the US if she would mind me shipping it to her to bring when she visits in December. She said she would and mentioned her favorite is 'tree of life' when I said I couldn't decide which to get.

So I've decided to buy it for her along with mine. What a nice surprise it will be for her when she receives two, not knowing one is for her ♥

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Readers Comments

Simplyme wrote: Awesome! The spirit of giving is so rewarding. May god continue with the two of you. I like.
mish wrote: Love you & the amazing things you do!
SM2000 wrote: nice
kiwicat wrote: That will be a lovely surprise too x
pluto178 wrote: Is that you in the picture................or Molly........fabulous wall hanging.................x
Brindlegirl wrote: *** It's Molly. Not me in the picture. I'll take one of me and my rug when it arrives at Christmas ***
bountiful wrote: what a lovely gift for yourself and nice your sister will bring it back from Molly as well double bonus!! Her buddha doodles are inspiring brindlegirl ::))
melnotes wrote: This is awesome and gave me warm fuzzies all over :) Yay for your sister living in the US and being able to share this, smiling :) :) :)
mindyjourney wrote: Double kindness :))). Such a buddha-doodle great idea!!!!!
terre wrote: Brilliant idea! You're not going to make Molly bring both rugs to you, though, are you, only to have to take one back with her?

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