Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Tears of Joy, Love and Gratitude

--by mermangel, posted Dec 26, 2008

This past Christmas is the first one ever that I feared we may not be able to bring Santa to our little ones who are 5 and 3.  I tried not to get down or focus too negatively on it; I have a deep knowing that things always work out somehow and I also did not want to perpetuate a feeling of "lack" in our lives.    

In late November, a memo came home from my son's school requesting anyone who felt they needed help with Christmas.  People who had children under 12 were asked to call the phone number at a local outreach center.  So, almost reluctantly, I called and was told to come to a local church the following day.  I had to bring my daughter with me and I was feeling rather sheepish and a bit sorrowful.  

The happy folks, all volunteers filling monthly supplies for a needy food pantry,  were smiling and welcoming.  An elderly man gave my little girl a candy cane and I was directed to fill out a form.  Only the names and ages of my children and gift suggestions were requested, no income inquiries, nothing to shame me or my hard working husband.  I did however reserve my requests for "gifts" to socks, slippers, winter boots and maybe some art supplies if they were feeling genereous.  I know the intention of these good people is to provide a nice Christmas for kids but I felt disinclined to be "greedy" by expecting too much from strangers, you know?

On December 20, I went to pick up the items for the kids.  With a bit of a heavy heart and some nervousness I headed into that same crowded room with the same smiling faces.  All they asked was my name and then proceeded to hand me a HUGE bag filled to the brim with heaven only knows what and two rolls of wrapping paper.  I handed one surprised lady a thank you card that I had written in advance and with a "Merry Christmas" and proceeded tearfully to the door.  The tears were those of joy and relief, of grace and hope, of love and gratitude.  That old bag was filled with socks, boots, slippers and art supplies but also included winter hats, gloves, shirts, pants, hot wheels cars, farm animals, dress up princess and ballerina costumes, huge stuffed animals for each of them and I am sure I neglected to mention something.  

I don't know who "adopted" my kids this holiday season and I probably never will, but somewhere out there are the people who made our Christmas bright and lighthearted.  I was humbled, as was my husband, by the generousity of the individuals that took those meager requests and contributed toward making my children's Christmas dreams come true.  I can only imagine what that person visualized while shopping, but I so wish I could send him or her a mental snapshot of my beautiful daughter in her very own little tutu and my bright and handsome son who, as he was getting ready for school yesterday, said "I am so glad Santa brought me these new gloves and hat." 

The fact is my kids are smart, clean, well groomed, well mannered and well dressed (thanks to my generous mother and sister who love to buy them clothes and to neighbors and friends who give hand me downs).  No one knows that we have struggled financially.  If you saw us in the grocery store or at the local park you wouldn't think for a minute that we were anything but happy (and we are!) but not ever in "need".  If you are someone who has done such good in the world remember that when you see a beautfiul family out and about, you never know who you have touched with your kindness.

I wish there was a way to express my gratitude to those kind people who do this sort of good year in and year out.  I know that this year is going to be an abundantly prosperous one for our family and it is my strong intention to be able to give as generously myself so that other families can be blessed as we have been.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.    

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Mermangel. That was wonderful. I bet, in years to come, when things are better financially, you will look back on 2007 as a special Christmas!
You recieved more true Christmas spirit there than most of us ever will.
Best wishes for 2008 to you and your family!
JuneBug wrote: Merangel, I had to get up from the computer and go bawl like a baby because your story touched my heart and soul. I have been there too, years ago, feeling embarrassed and humbled but my story is a bit different. I had a husband who was and even is too this day, the most selfish person I know. No, we are no longer together.Count your blessings that you have a wonderful husband and family. God gave me a Christian man later on years down the road. My kids are close to me and my ex is the lonliest person with not much contact from the kids. Someday you will be able to give back and your children will see your kindness and thoughtfulness and will learn from it...God bless!
AURELIA wrote: Mermangel, What a beautiful testimony. I am thrilled to hear how strangers came together to help your family in a time of need.
I am sure you will pay it forward in some way, and in a way you already have by sharing this story with us.
I have been giving gifts to our parish each christmas and also work at their private school. I would see cars pull up to the hall and parents leaving with the big black trash bags...I'd wonder, do they really need these items, or they taking advantage of people. You just let me know that Happy Memories were created and people may look like they could do for themselves, but are just down on their luck. That's when God's family becomes one big happy family and helps one another. I'm smiling knowing this good news full of blessings! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Thank you for sharing this story, my dear friend. I too have been there. My children are all grown up now and many times, thanks to God's goodness through loving strangers, we had Christmases and food and heat. You are so blessed and God shows you that He ultimately loves you:) Wishing you the very best this new year has to offer! Linda:)
jojomcb wrote: i believe in angels and the Christmas angels have touched your family this year. You will remember this Christmas
forever and your children will never know that Santa had his angels working overtime for you and yours. God Bless you and your family.
brighteyes wrote: Mermangel....I too am teary eyed but JUT see, I have no children and have been blessed with a steady job and income....every year I LOVE to be SECRET SANTA to children or families in need....I have sponsered families with my Mom and also love to give extra....YOU MADE THE JOY SO REAL with your description and story and I AM NOW MOTIVATED TO CONTINUE WITH THIS PRACTICE AND INCREASE MY ACTIVITIES WITH THE COMING YEAR. (don't mean to toot my our horn but its so cool hear of someone receiving the kindness of XMAS gifting from another. My Mom and now my 2 best friends do the same, no gifts for each other but for others at this time of year...we celebrate each others birthdays and our XMAs is knowing we are helping make others holiday BRIGHT!

joyjoy wrote: Mnay years I ago- I too was in your situtation - it is so humbling---but years past and things did get better, and I had a job where the husband and wife who owned the place always adopted families and we helped - it was beautiful. The man has since died and our conitued living memorial to him is to continue this effort- and it has grown - each year we adopt several families with several sets of friends - it truly is the best part of Christmas for us as well - Thank you for sharing! Peace and Blessings
praveendm wrote: You are going to see a wonderfull 2009 ahead. God bless everyone!
LOAS wrote: This a beautiful story! You will "pay it back" when you pay it forward to someone else. :)
God bless you and your dear family!

reviveramesh wrote: Thanks for sharing.

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