Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Books For Little Free Library

--by kjoyw, posted Jul 28, 2015
Went through some of my books today and got a couple of bags ready to take to our Little Free Library tomorrow. Ours is getting used so much. So gratifying to see folks taking books or just sitting out in the chairs around it in our Community Garden and reading! Grateful for books and grateful for reading!!
1709 Reads

Readers Comments

Imane Tloussi wrote: Thanks you
kiwicat wrote: Hey! I'm doing the same thing!
mindyjourney wrote: Sharing and reading books in a garden < is heaven on earth! Well done, my friends :)))))))).
denysewade wrote: Wonderful!
mish wrote: Received an email today from the Little Free Library website that my prepaid labels are on the way . As soon as they arrive, I will ship off 3 cartons of books to them.
terre wrote: Your free library sounds well used, especially with a place to read there. Thank you for encouraging reading.
pluto178 wrote: Books are making a come back x

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