Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: I LOVED this story as a child as much as I do today...Maybe I just never grew up! Thank you for sharing it and it's moral! :}
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I haven't seen this before so thanks for sharing!
brighteyes wrote: Not sure if I heard this story before but its to my liking....SHARING is so important and living in a loving community where everyone shares their gifts and abundance with all would be heaven on earth, no??
banaba wrote: My grandmother used to tell this story to my cousins and I when we were little. I loved it just because she told it, but now I love it because of the meaning behind it. Thank you for sharing! :-)
perseverance wrote: thanks I enjoyed this a great deal
mitu915 wrote: it's amazing how just a subtle shift in one's attitude can truly make a world of difference, as is illustrated so well through your lovely anecdote! thanks to you too for your generosity! :)
perseverance wrote: TEAM means together we achieve more Thanks