Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Driving Home our New Neighbors on a Cold Day

--by ceeceep, posted May 28, 2008

In the fall, a new family from Africa had moved to my area.  Their children go to school with mine and we have had the chance to get acquainted while waiting for the school bus.  Because they are originally from a much warmer climate, they are not accustomed to our cold weather -- even our mildly cold weather seems extreme to them!  They have no car and mostly get around by walking everywhere.  

One cold day, I noticed the family from a distance at a parent/teacher meeting being held at the school.  Before leaving, I made a point of walking to where the mother and her daughter were speaking with one of the teachers.  I felt ackward interrupting them, but I knew that they must have walked and wanted to offer to drive them home.  They gladly accepted! 

This wasn't any trouble for me because I was driving right by their place anyhow, but they were grateful and I felt better knowing that they wouldn't have to walk that distance in the cold.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very nice of you, thanks for caring!
JuneBug wrote: That was such a wonderful effort you put forth to being so kind as to ''interrupt'' . I am sure they were glad you did!!! :}
perseverance wrote: thanks for helping another in need
pacots wrote: Great Story I am sure they appreciated the ride.
nila wrote: It was a nice thing you did..I m sure they were happy to be out of the bitter cold and get the warmth of your kindness.
megumi wrote: Thank you for your courage. It take a lot sometimes to step up and offer even the smallest thing. Keep up the good work. May the God of all Peace be with you daily!
lmil1954 wrote: God Bless you. What a nice thing to do, especially to someone who is not used to the winter weather. Im glad you are here! LindaM
AURELIA wrote: You are setting a wonderful example for your child to see. A little bit of kindness will go a long way. Thank you for caring. ~Aurelia
lovebug wrote: I know a lot of people who would offer a ride to someone going in their direction, But I know very few who would be conscious enough to recognize the climate these neighbors came from. A very rare soul you are, that is a gift, it can't be taught

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