Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spontaneous Gift for My Co-worker

--by brighteyes, posted Jun 2, 2008

A co-worker of mine has commented on this pink stone necklace that I wear occasionally...she really likes the color and design.

I happen to be wearing this necklace today and when she complimented me again on it, I asked her, "You really like this necklace, huh? Want it?"

Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped open into a big, "Oh!"  She hesitated ....

I reached to unclasp the necklace with a big smile, "It's yours",  I said.

"THANK-YOU!", she exclaimed as I settled in around her neck. 

"How does it look?", she asked.

"Great. ...Better on you than me. ENJOY it and wear it in good health! Have a great day", I replied.

"Oh, I AM!", she stated and thanked me again heading back to her cubby with a new bounce in her step. I too, had a perkier walk as I headed back to my cubicle.

I wished I had carried a smile card in my pocket to give her with the gift time just never know when a kindness opportunity will present itself so got to be prepared.

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Readers Comments

lOVEBUG wrote: Pink is the color of love and that you have in abundance
xbeldaran wrote: that was a very nice thing to do for a co-worker
JuneBug wrote: Ah brighteyes! What a wonderful thing to do!!!! :}
vieveadell wrote: That's fabulous! You are just like Elvis - he used to do the same thing.
happyness15 wrote: that is so sweet of you to do! When you think of the impact material things have on this world it truely is amazing.
AURELIA wrote: You are the sweetest person ever! Now you'll see her wearing it and have an instant smile because you'll see the happiness you've given her. :) ~Aurelia
trinatooth wrote: Oh how wonderful to encounter a graceful receiver!Many times, when I try such...the person wont receive the gift and it just steals the joy so to all who read...when you're on the opposite ends of kindness..dont forget to be a graceful receiver as well as giver...
brighteyes wrote: Great observation and gem of wisdom from true...kindness, giving or gifting and even love needs to be FULL CIRCLE with BOTH parties wholeheartedly giving and receiving.

I too have experienced no response when giving, gifting, loving, etc BUT I try not to lose heart...

It is up to our discretion to continue to give and love and be kind AND to KEEP an open heart no matter what.

I am also learning NOT to go overboard, so I AM NOT DEPLETED..."my cup needs to be replenished too" ...

With that said THANKS ALL for helping me to replenish my cup....your stories, comments, karmabucks are DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
lmil1954 wrote: Brighteyes, I echo what they all said. You are remarkable and that was an inbstant gift of JOY for both parties! You are such a blessing! Linda:)

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