Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Where, O Where, Did the Smile Cards Go!?

--by Brian, posted Jun 1, 2008

They went on top of my dresser.  About four weeks ago.  Some went in the console of my car.  A couple were swallowed up in my wallet which I'm quite certain still has my high school ID card.  I'm 35.

And there they stayed, all around me yet somehow completely hidden.  Which, of course, they weren't.  I just wasn't looking.  I had forgotten to look.  More truthfully, my "looking" had shifted from "how can I help?" to "what do I need?" 

I need more money.  I need gas for my car.  I need a job.  I need some clothes.  Some new running shoes.  I need fulfillment, dammit!   O, Happiness, where have you hid?   Just when I am most in need, most lost, most miserable, you go and hide, Happiness!  How dare you!  I NEED these things, material and otherwise and they will deliver unto me joy, freedom, ease and happiness for all my days.

By now you realize, as most of you reading this are like-hearted, what the cause of all my discontent and unsatisfactoriness was, dontcha?  Yes, of course.   I had stopped reaching for Smile Cards.  I had stopped seeing the world as an absurdly, gloriously, abundantly rich playground of giving and instead saw lack.   My lack.  And, thus, I was unhappy, restless, anxious.  Duh.  How silly I can be.

So the difference between this morning and now.  I found my Smile Cards. 

And there is space again.  To breathe and play and give.  And, before the chorus for Kumbaya kicks in, the needs are all still there.   But with plenty of space.  Plenty of room to kick and scream and exhaust themselves on their own without me getting to close.  And next time I feel myself wanderin' over to say hello to a Need?  To shake it's hand, ask it why it's not being fulfilled, feed that Need?  I think not.   Instead,  I'll walk over to my dresser,  grab a Smile Card and head out into space.  Chances are someone needs it.

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Readers Comments

howgreatthour wrote: What a difference a day makes! Our needs will always be met if we continue to focus on the needs of "others". You NEED to grab a smile card card....just as much the person receiving it.
Rabbia wrote: Many smiles. :)
humankindmedia wrote: Whoa! A wake up call. I just re-found mine yesterday and you couldn't have explained things better! Thanks for posting this
Aurelia wrote: Kumbaya!!!
I love your Story. Yes I have to get out there with my cards as well. Thanks for the super boost of encourgement!! ~Aurelia
myfbil wrote: Thanks for the reminder! :) Have a sunshine day!
jojomcb wrote: i read this and i too started singing kumbaya...........have a wonderful day
cinnamonhead wrote: when left out in the open it is a gentle reminder to grab a card and make someones' day alittle brighter. thanks for sharing, i gotta grab some cards and put them in my bag......
rayann wrote: Beautifully written!
Giving is always a pick-me-up.
lovebug wrote: 35yr, I love the newer generation, I ask myself quite often if I would like to be 35 again. The answer is always No, I see so much hope in your generation. Mine was always duty and sacrifice. What did we gain? Another war. I am praying you will teach your children the way of Peace
liztree wrote: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I realized in the past couple of days that I wasn't just shaking hands with my needs, I was having dinner and Tupperware parties with them. Your story helped me break away. Oh, the space is so nice. It's so wonderful to be able to take a deep breath. Thank You.

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