Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping another person to see her beauty

--by brindlegirl, posted Aug 16, 2015
Isn't her hair pretty!

I took this photo of the back of Wendy's head earlier today when I visited my elderly friend in her home.

It wasn't until after I took the photo and left that I reflected on it and who I have become. You see I took this photo because Wendy is a large lady in a wheelchair with limited mobility. I had told her how much I loved her hair and wanted her to see it too. I knew she wouldn't have been able without the help or double mirror from someone.

The old me never would have done this. I'm not sure if she would have even complimented her. But this new me. I'm loving her. And I love this place for helping me become her.

Thank you all for inspiring me daily

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Readers Comments

terre wrote: Have you shown her the photo yet? Does she love it as much as I do -- because I do love her hair too. Brindlegirl, you are every bit as much of an inspiration as anyone else here on KindSpring. Thank you for being you.
Brindlegirl wrote: I took the photo only for the purpose of showing her Terre ♥
pluto178 wrote: Wow thats some head of hair fabulous x
melnotes wrote: Beautiful just like you brindlegirl :) xx
balou wrote: Brindlegirl, thank you for caring for her to show her this photo! And I like the "new you" :-) ... learned as well during the last year that it is not alone about being kind to others but as well to be honest and open myself ... difficult to learn but worthwhile :-)
mindyjourney wrote: Gorgeous hair! And wonderful to share your appreciation with Wendy as well :)). Agree, my friend. KS is a transformative space. We are so very blessed.
kperrine wrote: beautiful tousled loose curls...she's so blessed to know you!
KindMyst wrote: just beautiful.
NiceladyMary wrote: Lovely hair! I bet she is a lovely person too! As are you for taking the pic & sharing with us.

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