Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Collecting Toys And Treats For The Dog Pound

--by kiwicat, posted Aug 13, 2015
I've collected a few bags of dog treats and dog toys when I've seen them on sale. Some I've left at the park with a note for someone with a dog to pick up as a RAOK, and the others I've been storing away to take to the local animal shelter as soon as I've got enough to fill a bag.

I was at the pet shop and bought some more hard rubber balls, the cashier commented that my dog must go through a lot of balls, and I told him my plan to take a bag of toys and treats to the pound. He said I had a good heart and added two more balls to the bag - free! and gave me a suggestion to email the head office and ask for their toy returns. If I can deliver them to the pound myself, then he was sure that could happen.

Here's giving it a go!
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Awesome!
mindyjourney wrote: The kindness is rippling (and bouncing!), my friend :))). Great idea that the cashier had, and so kind he was too!!
leoladyc728 wrote: What a lovely gesture
sandyremillar wrote: your love for animals is very touching....bless you!
brindlegirl wrote: You know I love so much how you include your kindness to those with fur also. Bless you for being so beautiful ♥
KindMyst wrote: ((((kiwicat and furry creatures))))
terre wrote: I hope that head office can help fill your bags of treats for the dogs.
pluto178 wrote: A great idea x
melnotes wrote: wow! this is awesome Kiwicat :) Great kindness from cashier too!
carolec wrote: Fabulous!

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