Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Traveling in a public bus

--by roselark7, posted Aug 20, 2015
It was a really hectic day for me. I had to go to preparation classes and me and my friends hadn't eaten since morning breakfast. I went to the library and read for some time. It was really late and I had to head home from my classes. I got on the public bus. I knew I had chosen a long route so I turned on some music to listen to. At one bus stop, several people were getting on the bus, just then one person dressed in rags entered.

He held some piece of paper in his hand and was asking for some donation. I was not having a great day and I didn't care at first thinking I am not some kind of a job holder and something like this.

But you know somewhere in my heart, my feelings kept echoing to take a step and give a helping hand. I did give donation even though it was a small amount. Who knows maybe someday that small thing can make a big difference. I felt happy for that person.
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Readers Comments

melnotes wrote: Thank you for your kindness and taking the time to reach out to someone else :)
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for listening to heart <3.
mish wrote: You are a kind soul. Bless x
terre wrote: Yes, thank you for listening to your heart.

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