Stories of Kindness from Around the World

For Returning Vacationers

--by cabbage, posted Aug 26, 2015
A friend and her family just returned home today after a long international trip. I welcomed them home by taking over dinner for their family and they were really surprised and happy. I knew how tired they would be after a long flight and figured this way they could just shower, eat and go to bed!
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Readers Comments

lynettadenn wrote: That is so loving of you! Thank you for your gift of kindness food!
AndiCas wrote: What a welcome treat for them.
mindyjourney wrote: That is a HUGE kindess, my friend :). Thank you1
kiwicat wrote: My word, that is a great thung to do. So thoughtful. They would have been so surprised and happy :-)
Brindlegirl wrote: Awesome. Just awesome. You're the best!
terre wrote: Wonderful homecoming gift! Well done!
pyronik wrote: that is really thoughtful :-)
melnotes wrote: Wonderful act of kindness, thankyou xx
balou wrote: Very kind and thoughtful gsture ... you are right, this might havebeen the best gift for them!

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