Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Comforting a Child

--by kat94, posted Aug 28, 2015
Yesterday I finished my second leg of backpacking. I was extremely tired but very thankful. After my train from Slovenia, I took what was supposed to be a 6 hour bus ride, which turned out to be 9 hours, down to Croatia's coast.

In front of me on the bus was a little 4 year old girl and her grandmother. Hours passed by and eventually the child got fed up with being on the bus. The child wouldn't stop crying and I could tell everyone else was fed up as now they couldn't sleep, and everyone (including me) was tired.

I realized I had downloaded a bunch of games on my tablet for my little cousins. I started talking to the child and her grandmother and offered the child my tablet to play a few games. Eventually the tears stopped, she played some games and even fell asleep a while after.

Free and simple kindness is awesome. Check out some of Croatia's scenery driving along old roads :)

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Readers Comments

kat94 wrote: Backpacking kindness update coming soon (still recovering lol)
Mish wrote: You were everyone's angel there :)))))
debbe530 wrote: Glad to hear from you Kat! Sounds like a wonderful adventure you are having.
pyronik wrote: such a blessing, I bet everyone on the bus was thankful for you.
Mel37865 wrote: That was great!
Mel37865 wrote: Have a great few weeks!
mindyjourney wrote: You are carrying kindness wherever you go, my friend <3. Blessings of a continued safe journey :))).
denysewade wrote: Such a blessing to a tired little person.
Brindlegirl wrote: Free and simple maybe ... but always from the heart ♥
DotMatrix wrote: Ah Kat! I went looking for you. I never remembered the numbers after your name. I read a few in the main KS site once every so often but mostly still doing the 300+ days. So glad I found your post today. Such a sweet story about the little one. Love and hugs your way dear one. ♥.

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