Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ice Cream Ripples

--by cabbage, posted Sep 1, 2015
My son had received $10 as a birthday gift and last evening he used it to take his cousin out for ice cream. It turned out that these two kids were the last ones in the shop for the day, so the lady at the register who wanted to cash out quickly told them their ice cream was free! They were super excited. When I asked my son what he did with the money, he replied that he gave it to a homeless man.
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Readers Comments

jilly wrote: Super awesome
kgagnon100 wrote: That is awesome.
Such a wonderful thing to do. :)
lcrmrsd wrote: He was well taught!
heidzb wrote: Beautiful act o kindness :)
rash wrote: Inspiring story. Thanks!
smokefish wrote: That post made my heart smile.
melnotes wrote: That is so very awesome!
Novice50 wrote: Wow! Such a kind child.
kiwicat wrote: What a kind heart. Hes a good boy who will be a good man.
mish wrote: You lead by example , cabbage. Not surprised...your son has such a great role model in YOU. Hugs.

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