Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness note

--by Selina, posted Sep 6, 2015
I wrote my former English teacher a mail yesterday, just to tell her how thankful I am that she made the lessons so much fun. And that I think teachers aren't appreciated enough. It was my random act of kindness for yesterday, I'm doing one every single day and it's really a lot of fun :)
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Excellent! Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: Teacher will be thrilled to receive note! Well done, my friend.
savraj wrote: How happy your former teacher will be! A good teacher can really transform your life!
kjoyw wrote: Selina, as a someone who taught for 35+ years, I can tell you this is a wonderful act of kindness!
kiwicat wrote: as a teacher, its really appreciated getting letters of thanks from students. I had one today that I will share later.
brindlegirl wrote: This will not only make her day, but week, year and life! You are awesome!
bountiful wrote: that is a lovely idea, special gift for the teacher so lovely...::))
pluto178 wrote: I would love to have done that for my junior school teacher who made me the thinker I am today.......mind you that may make some write to ask him what the heck was he thinking lol x
melnotes wrote: Wonderful act of kindness, thankyou xx
Novice50 wrote: Also as a teacher, I can tell you I treasure every letter from students I receive. Each one makes my heart warm and I smile.

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