Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spent the Night

--by heartofflesh, posted Oct 2, 2015
My cousin, who is disabled, was going to be alone last night because all of his brothers and their families had gone to attend a family reunion hosted by a relative visiting from Switzerland. So, I went to stay with him in the evening.

His family returned late at night, and I had to spend the night and leave early in the morning at 4:30 AM to get back to my own family. It was the least I could do to give a little bit of my time!
1160 Reads

Readers Comments

Novice50 wrote: And that is the best gift of all, always!
pluto178 wrote: Your a great help to your family never forget that. x
mish wrote: Agree with Novice x
savraj wrote: You gave so much.
mindyjourney wrote: Giving of your time and support is HUGE, dear friend. Thank you.
mel37865 wrote: Sometimes time is the most important!
kjoyw wrote: Agree, time is the very best gift of all.
NALINE wrote: Tthat is so sweet to give your time to your poor disabled cousin.

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