Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Holy Shadow

--by Mali, posted Jun 16, 2008
Long, long ago there lived a saint so good that the astonished angels came down from heaven to see how a mortal could be so good.

He simply went about his daily life, diffusing virtue as a star diffuses Light, and the flowers perfume, without even being aware of it.

Two words summed up his day: He Gave And He Forgave.  Yet these words never fell from his lips; they were expressed in his ready smile, in his kindness, his forbearance and charity.

The angels said to God, “Oh, Lord, grant him the gift of miracles.”  God replied, “I consent; ask what he desires.”

So they said to the Saint, “Should you like the touch of your hand to heal the sick?”   “No”, answered the Saint, “I would rather God should do that.”  

“Should you like to convert guilty souls and bring wandering hearts to the right path?”   “No; that is the mission of angels. I pray, I do not convert.”

“Should you like to become a model of patience, attracting all men by the luster of your virtue, and thus glorify God?” “No, “ replied the Saint, “If men should be attracted to me, they would be estranged from God. The Lord has other means of glorifying himself.”

“What do you desire, then?” cried the angels.

“What can I wish for,” asked the Saint smiling, “that God give me His grace; with that should I not have everything?” But the angels insisted. “You must ask for a miracle or one will be thrust upon you.”

 “Very well,” said the Saint. “That I may do a great deal of good without even knowing it.”

The angels were greatly perplexed. They took counsel together, and resolved upon the following plan:  Every time the Saint’s shadow should fall behind, or at either side, so that he could not see it, it would have the power to cure diseases, soothe pain, and comfort sorrow.

And so it came to pass, when the Saint walked along, his shadow upon either side or behind him, made arid paths green, caused withered plants to bloom, gave clear water to dried up brooks, fresh color to pale little children, and joy to unhappy mothers.

But the Saint simply went about his daily life diffusing virtue as a star diffuses Light and the flowers perfume, without even being aware of it.

And the people respected his humility, followed him silently, never speaking to him about his miracle.

Little by little they came even to forget his name and called him only “The Holy Shadow”.
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Readers Comments

hugh l williamson jr wrote: Grace how absolutely wonderful
hugh l williamson jr wrote: Grace how absolutely wonderful
Gaura Krishna wrote: A long time before osho, that story was narrated by swami rama tirtha (see in forest talks). The original seems to be in french.
Starr wrote: I would love a print of this story to hang on the wall in my reiki studio.
Rao wrote: I do not know the origin of this story but it was told by osho in one of his discourses on "yoga: the alpha and omega" which is on patanjali sutras. You can listen to this at oshoworld web site.
Suchitra wrote: Humility with compassion -Wow! What a combination. Divine indeed
cinnamonhead wrote: a wonderful story , thank you for the reminder to stay humble as we do good.
Kay wrote: What a world wee would have if this saint could be the role model for most of us. Unfortunately, we live in a world that imposes a different kind of role model on us! I'm touched by this story.
followerofHim wrote: My my my, this is a lesson of great worth in humility, Thank you.
maymay wrote: Oh to be even a little bit as humble as that man.. A reminder for me. Thank you.

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