Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Flying because of Kindness

--by annkey7600, posted Sep 11, 2015
I cared for a hummingbird who had wounded itself somehow. I brought it inside in a box and put a window screen on top of the box so it could not fly out if it survived. Every 2 hours I would go feed it with a dropper of sugar water and after 2 days it was well and ready to go. I took the box outdoors and removed the screen and it flew away, good as new. It made me happy to do something for nature. Ann
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Readers Comments

debbe530 wrote: Well done, Ann!!!
Brindlegirl wrote: Bless you so very very much ♥♥♥
mish wrote: Bless your kind & caring heart , Ann.
savraj wrote: Oh that is beautiful! You have saved an innocent creature!
terre wrote: Thank you for taking care of this wounded hummingbird.
pluto178 wrote: That always feels so good to know you made a difference in such a tiny life form. x
melnotes wrote: Beautiful kindness, thank you and Mindyjourney will love reading this story!
NoOnesNME wrote: Such tender little creatures, we don't see many. To
be able to rescue one is such an honor. Thanks!
mindyjourney wrote: Hummingbirds are so near and dear to my heart <3. Had one "come alive" in hands last summer :). Thank you so very very much for your caring healing hands.
lindariebel wrote: I echo what everyone else has said.

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