Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Chicky's Lessons Of Love

--by jacq, posted Jun 19, 2008

I had a neighbor when I was a child whose name was Chicky.  He was a good 20 years older than me and he had Cerebral Palsy, quite severe.  He was never able to walk or even use the bathroom on his own, his parents carried this grown man in and out of their home whenever weather permitted.  Chicky would sit outside, strapped in his wheel chair, so he didn't fall out from his spasams. 

His spot in the world was sitting under an apple tree listening to his transistor radio.  I was also limited physically, so I sat with him a lot and we talked.  I don't think many people knew how smart Chicky was.  He used to ask to touch my face and I would stand close to his chair.  He would make this little hoppity motion with his hand and it would strike up against my cheek, and he would be so happy he could hardly breathe.  Now of course I had access to my cheek 24 hours a day and it did absolutely Nothing for me to touch it...but for him it made his day! 

That's something I learned from him -- he couldn't do much at all physically but he didn't let that stop him mentally!  He could take something so simple as brushing against someone's cheek and feel so happy.  Chicky never once came to my house, he couldn't even turn over ,but there was something about his spirit that drew me up the hill and that something is undefinable. Maybe you can put your finger on what it was -- I can only guess it's what venus fly traps have, a draw.   Chicky lived home until his parents were very old and couldn't get him up and down the stairs anymore.  Then he moved to a convalesent home .

Quite sometime later, when I must have been around 27 years old , I looked out my window and I saw a station wagon pull up next door -- Chicky was inside and he was home for the day!  I am not exaggerating when I say I watched his parents grow young again as they got him out of the car.  They had purpose and honor through this reunion AND they had help from his siblings.  The family had a picnic together and Chicky was the life of the party.  The reason for the whole family to gather was Chicky's day home. 

There he was pushing 50: never taken a step in his life, never fed himself or washed himself or dressed himself, never made lunch or love or an enemy BUT HE GOT IT-- what most of us never will, he got the meanaing of life!  How to love and be loved.  I went up the hill that day wantingly and he remembered me and asked to stroke my cheek and it still left him breathless.  I wanted to pay tribute to him today -- Chicky was an honor to know and a teasure I wanted to share.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: How wonderful of you to honor Chicky this way. You are just as special as he is ... thank you for noting that we are not all alike but we have are own gifts and treasures to be found within. GOD BLESS YOU!!!! :) ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Thank you jacq. I too have a very close friend with CP and I LOVE him. My work relationship didnt stay professional and got very close to his family. He has so much love in him my kids and grandkids all look forward to me bringing him to family parties. Thank you for your love for Chicky and I honor him with you! LindaM:)
mitu915 wrote: the love you have for your friend, chicky, is beautiful. thank you.
wayfarer wrote: How does it feel to be someone's little moment of Heaven? Well done, Jacq, and thanks for the thanks you left me. Good to have you on the site. Welcome neighbour!
perseverance wrote: you have done the right thing thanks
brighteyes wrote: People are people and friends are friends regardless of their challenges or health issues....glad you looked past them and your two have a bond!
sanserif wrote: This story brought tears to my eyes. Often we think happiness depends on all things material. But Chicky has proved it wrong. He is a hero in every sense of the word. Thank you so much for posting this story.
Cynthia wrote: I absolutely love this story! Thank you so much for sharing it. What a lesson we can all learn from Chicky and his innocent sense of joy in something so sweet and pure and gentle. I could absolutely see the joy in his eyes when reading what you wrote and felt it in my own heart. Thank you again for sharing and allowing Chicky to touch all of us as he touched you.
Marilyn wrote: Thank you for sharing this. Just that alone... sharing something so beautiful is your gift to us.
Aruna wrote: I was totally moved. You are a wonderful person yourself and have a special gift of empathy. Thank you for sharing....I felt I was with you both on the hilltop.

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