Readers Comments
pete wrote: lovely stuff should be more like that imagine what a wonderful world itd be
Anon wrote: This is such a touching story. There need to be more people like Lee (and you!) in the world ...
sheetal wrote: wish people would come out a lot more to share their encounters with kindness and compassion in the universe today... thank u for for this article... it made my day to know that people like this exist....
Chrysalis wrote: This is a great story. it is very touching. I know that Lee and you must both be very strong Christians living for the Lord every day!!!!
Louise wrote: There really is beauty in this world. It just takes the time to stop and look for it. Thank you for this stoty.
April wrote: This was a great story. I plan on sharing this with my boyscout troop in hopes of showing the boys that giving can be rewarding wether you have riches or not. Kindness is your wealth. Thanks for sharing.
Oluwole wrote: What a story!!! This story has taught me a lot, that little acts of kindness can bring about a change in the lives of individuals, the society and the world at large. Kindness does not require being wealthy, little acts like these say a lot. Thanks Mr Lee, uv tort me to be kind in small measures.
alan wrote: Mr. Lee....i love you like a brother! You inspire me to do the same...unanticipated moments of sharing and helping.
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: Thank you for that story! The ripple he created moves outward!!!
speedi wrote: wonderful story and what a great a great example Lee is,,if we all could learn and take a lesson from!