Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Simple Truths About Giving

--by brighteyes, posted Jun 30, 2008

One of my best buddies loaned me a great little book called Smiple Truths by Kent Nerburn as she knows I love to read, be inspired and collect quotes, poems and great prose.

Here is Kent's take on GIVING:

"Giving is a miracle that can transform the heaviest of hearts. Two people, who moments before lived in separate worlds of private concerns, suddenly meet each other over a simple act of sharing. The world expands, a moment of goodness is created, and something new comes into being where before there was nothing!

...true Giving is NOT an economic exchange, it is a GENERATIVE act. It does not subtract from what we have, it MULITPLIES the effect we can have in the world.

Many people....think of giving only in terms of grand gestures. They miss the simple openings of the heart that can be practiced with almost anyone....saying "Hello!" to someone everyone ignores, offering help to another, buying flowers to uplift, lending an ear...NO PRAISE. No hushed tones of holy generosity. Just GIVE, SMILE & walk away!

You have the power to create joy and happiness by your simple gestures or caring and compassion -- power to unlock goodness in other people's hearts by sharing the goodness in yours. 

Find the other givers.  You will know them by their small acts, and they will recognize you with yours. You will be part of a community of humanity that trusts and shares and dares  to reveal softness of it's heart. Once you become a giver, you will never be alone."

ISN'T THAT INSPIRING?  I loved the whole book and am going out to buy it for myself... hmmm, maybe I will get two and pass one along....

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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: And yet again, I thank you...Giving always works the opposite of how one might assume it would. Whatever we give always multiplies back to's Biblical, it works with the tithe, it works with LOVE! It's amazing...Thanks again and again for your stories, they are all so inspiring! Linda:)
AURELIA wrote: Wow... Love it. So true and very familiar to us all on this site. Giving feels so rewarding to me and I know others feel this way too. You are a bright shining star that we are being enlightened by Christine. Love Ya, ~Aurelia
cabbage wrote: Thank you very much for those wise words.
Right on time....
perseverance wrote: Excellent.Siple definition which makes a great impact Thanks I will store it in my heart and also in my dairy
mitu915 wrote: Thanks for putting that out there to encourage others that something as simple as a small, a "hello" to a stranger, can truly soften someone's day. I think we often forget that the subtlety of being gentle is truly a form of strength, wisdom, and compassion! :)
mixmino wrote: thanks. it has encouraged me.
katlampi wrote: I will have to pick up "Simple Truths" as well -- sounds like a worthwhile read for my cruise next week! :) You and Kent are absolutely right, Brighteyes! Kindness comes in the form of simple unexpected acts. And kindness truly is generative!!! God Bless!!

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