Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Gift on My Desk Just When I Needed It

--by Aurelia, posted Jul 3, 2008

When I got to work today there was a gift on my desk. Inside was a book called Hugs for Friends along with a music CD with songs of friendship including wind beneath my wings, etc.

I was shocked to find out that it was from my girlfriend who seems to always be there for me -- on her card she said that 'I' was always there for HER!!!!

You know I've been feeling the loss of my mom more than ever lately and this was just what I needed.  I listened to the CD all day at work and intend to share some of the messages from the book with everyone on this site. 

Here's one: Friends are angels who life our feel when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. 

Friends...where would we be without them?

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Dear Aurelia,
I am so happy for you that you were blessed with a surprise from your friend today. (And I'm sure that your mom will continue to shower your life with blessings from her Spirit)
I'm praying for you and hoping that you are hanging in there.
Lots of love and hugs to you.
perseverance wrote: a friend is some one who comes in when all others go out.Your friend belongs to that category
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is very nice what your friend did. People are brought into our lives for a reason, or sometimes many little reasons! Thanks for sharing!
mitu915 wrote: How sweet!!! Here's another great quote about friends. "Friends are like diamonds-precious and rare." :)
anonimus wrote: what a good friend you both have in each blessed and thank you for sharing you story with us
wayfarer wrote: Why am I not surprised that you have beautiful friends? We're told "give and ye shall receive" and you are such a giving person. This is just a little of the love you put into the world coming back to you.
Alraisi wrote: That's why it is always known that special friends are so hard to be found...!!! That's right and I'm sure You are feeling more than Happy to Know her and will always keep smiling. Keep It Up...!!!
JuneBug wrote: God sends us music to sooth our spirits as well as friends. He knows what you need when you need it...Sing these songs to Him and give Him praise!
mixmino wrote: Thanks for shearing i love it.
lmil1954 wrote: Yea baby! n Thats what its all about.

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