Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Rescued While Running Away From Home

--by sabrina, posted Jul 9, 2008

A few years during the worst phase of my life, I ran away from home and did not know where to go. I just landed in a town to meet a friend who happened to be away on a vacation. It was late in the night and I had nowhere to go.  I called the phone number my friend had given me.

A polite voice answered the phone and informed me that he was my friend's friend. He came to meet me at the bus station and took me home for the night. I confessed everything to him and he really took care of me like a baby and spent the entire next three days with me, trying to reason things.

Once he was confident that I was ok, he booked my ticket to go home without informing me. He took me out  for the day and introduced all his friends and by evening gave me the ticket and  I went back home safe and sound.  I thank GOD for meeting this stranger on that day. He saved me and today I owe my life to him. I am still scared to think of that night if it were not for him.

Today he is a very good friend who lives in a different country.  We try to chat once in a while.  I would forever thank him in my heart.

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Readers Comments

lOVEBUG wrote: I to used to run from life, but angels always made sure I found my way home. God never fails to provide what you need.
AURELIA wrote: I am happy for you that it all worked out ok. Pay it forward...and let us know what you've been up to. We've all got it in us to do good deeds, sometimes we just need to slow down and act on our thoughts. :)~aurelia
wayfarer wrote: Totally agree with the ladies above! And when God isn't providing what we need he sometimes uses us a Deputy Angels to do the same for others. You met a WONDERFUL human being and as a human being you have it in you to be WONDERFUL for someone else. Keep your eyes open for the chance.
JuneBug wrote: I am glad God was watching over you to bring you safely home. I can tell you are appreciative of what was done for you from the angel. I'm like the others here, pay it forward! :}
lmil1954 wrote: Well, God bloess you sabrina. Well, God DID bless you, how 'bout it? Thanks for sharing your story and welcome to our happy group! LindaM:)
brighteyes wrote: Thanks for your honesty and sharing your may help another.

How wonderful that you were lead to an earth angel that assisted you....maybe you will be inspired to pass along assistance to someone else or share a RAOK in a different way to a needy person.

Blessings.....Brighteyes ;)
lmil1954 wrote: I looked it up and DID read this sstory. More love and prayers coming your way! Linda:)
irongrace wrote: i am happy things worked out for you. I know what it is like to run from things in life.
Gassim wrote: Sabrina maybe it was better that you ran out of home that day and to your luck you met someone who helped you!!! It is very kind of him (Does he know about the pay it forward thing if not since he is a person who likes to help then its a good deal that you tell him about it... why not invite him to join our group!)
Your brother,
sethi wrote: Do what your heart tells you to do. That is the bottomline. God was watching over you.

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