Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Little Black Book

--by mouse, posted Jul 7, 2008

I met a work colleague of my husband's a few weeks ago and had forgotten just how hard he was on himself. He thinks he's stupid, ugly, unable to communicate, a bad parent, unable to control his temper and unlikely to amount to anything much in his life. 

I found this to be a complete contrast to what I see when I look at him. He's caring, considerate, a good listener, very capable at work and a real family man who will sacrifice anything to give his loved ones the best.  After a few drinks I broached this subject of affirmations and told him I was going to write him a book of inspirational quotes to make him stop in his tracks and see what others see. 

So, one long wet winter afternoon I sat with a little black notebook and put what I consider to be an inspiring quote on every page. It probably took me about three hours to find the quotes that I think he needed to hear but I think it'll be worth it. He is in Afhganistan this summer for more than six months and if that book fits snugly into his combats and helps to see him through the danger then I think it's more than worth it!  And, for the rest of us, why not fill a book with inspirational thoughts and leave it in the car glove box; next time you're waiting for the dentist or doctor or a crash to be cleared fill your head with joy, not the constant drumming of fingers!! 

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Readers Comments

lOVEBUG wrote: You can write in my book of life any time, and I will share your inspiring quotes, they could just save someone life. Keep that beautiful mind of yours and share, share, share. God Bless
wayfarer wrote: Mouse, that is a FANTASTIC idea. Keep on spreading the sunshine!
JuneBug wrote: You are such an inspiration! Keep it up!
AURELIA wrote: Lovely idea. I do journal and write down quotes, but never thought of making a book and giving it to some. I'm going to the dollar store to pick up a few small ones and fill them like you said ... and anonymously share them. :> ~Aurelia
perseverance wrote: A great idea ! Thanks
brighteyes wrote: Mouse.....I LOVE your idea....if your buddy takes it to heart and reads everyday...hopefully focuing on the posiitive, on uplifting quotes will make a difference in his life...3 wks to make a habit....I too may make a few books....I do clip out, keep a quote book and email files for inspirationals to share when needed but this is a new suggestion.....way cool!!!!
nickname wrote: Great idea!
lmil1954 wrote: Aw thank you. What a simply sweet idea. Good for you! LindaM:)
cabbage wrote: Thank you so much for the great idea!!
MyHeart2Yours wrote: Truly lovely amazing gift of self!

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