Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your kindness, especially when it caused you discomfort. blessings of comfy feet.
melarie wrote: Bless :)
savraj wrote: So nice of you
pallok wrote: What goes around comes around. Your good deed won't go unnoticed in the universe.
RoseMarie wrote: Very good, you were sacra icing and kind x
pyronik wrote: :-) well done especially since it was such an effort.
pluto178 wrote: Well done. x
melnotes wrote: Thankyou for your kindness xx
jenninemay wrote: Thank you for the lovely comments everyone :)
terre wrote: I have mobility issues and cannot stand on buses or trains. But I often make comments when someone clearly needs a seat. I usually suggest that such and such young man could easily share space, so then when it happens, they know to come to me, and I'll fix them up.