Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sponsoring Smiles :)

--by brighteyes, posted Jul 10, 2008

When I first joined a Smile Group, I immediately purchased some smile cards which I doled out quickly.  So I went back to purchase some more immediately.   The high from practicing RAOK , seeing others smile, etc was so addicting that I wanted to do and share, more and more and more!!

Well, guess what? The second smile card purchase also disappeared rapidly -- seems that when I got new cards, they "burn a hole in my pocket " urging me to gift and give away at every opportunity.  Do your cards whisper to you too?

Reading the website thoroughly one day, I noticed that I could donate money to sponsor cards for others so right then I wrote a check, sent a hand written note and the money, knowing I was assisting others who would want cards but may not be able to afford them. I have since been printing out smile cards from my computer and I pass some of these to family and friends for their use too.

Several months passed and I again decided to donate additional money.  This time I purchased and sent a thank you card to the website sponsors of along with the money because I wanted to let them know I loved the website and appreciated them maintaining it . I felt good when I dropped it in the mailbox. I am so blessed and will be adding this site to my list of charities to sponsor throughout the upcoming year.  I want to make sure it remains active so that kindnesses can continue, and I love being part of the smile group family.... it's really an honor.  I like having like-minded friends to talk to, share stories, inspirations, encouragements and replies -- just thinking about the site and you all is making me smile and smile!!

I hesitated to share this kindness because it would no longer be anonymous  and I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A PAT ON THE BACK !BUT,  on the other hand,  it may inspire anothers who are blessed financially like me to sponsor smile cards too and help to offset some of their expenses.  My heart  urged me to write the story regardless of how it is preceived.  So, I will keep sponsoring smiles and sharing acts of kindness and gifting my karmabucks.

Please share your smiles too...

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: This is a wonderful post brighteyes, thank you so much. I am inspired and touched by you often and am glad to have you in my life. I agree with everything you wrote and think it is fantastic that you haven't forgotten about supporting this site. It is easy to take that for granted.
Bless you brighteyes for always being a bright spot in the world and for me too! :)
keymaker wrote: Brighteyes, contributions like yours allows so many of us to benefit. Thank you for paying forward!
ruru wrote: Thank you brighteyes. I am also very inspired by this website. It's bookmarked and I read it almost daily. I have a student who just signed up--- my Student Council want to help out and are planning to volunteer to sponsor mailing smile cards for a few weeks.
AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes, I am not financially able to support them like you and am thankful to you for doing so. I do however send them stamps from time to time and I also send them notes to thank them for this site. I've also requested little things like...wanting to see all of my stories, knowing others from my state and such. They have always been open to helping me get the most from this site...We are lucky to have them. I'm inspired by you to write them another note of thanks.....You're the best Brighteyes and thank you for sharing what you have with other so generously ALWAYS!!! God Bless You. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Aurelia....I love your idea of sending them stamps which also offsets costs and well as requesting suggestions to the site...I have not done this and its a great idea. Lastly, everyone does what they can and that is great....just as everyone has their gifts, talents and niche in life....many times some of the best kindness are not monetary in nature but from the heart or sharing your time and worrys!
lmil1954 wrote: Hey brighteyes, me again! You are so kind, to me it's good to know that people who can afford to do certain(kind) things actually do them. I for one cant afford to, but I did send an e-mail to this website's "origin" just to thank them for doing and keeping it running. May OUR GOD continue to bless you richly, you are a great person and a good friend and I am honered to call you Friend! Linda:)

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